Time & Attendance

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Time & Attendance

You wish to have a maximum insight in the hours spent in your organisation at a minimum effort?

The module Time & Attendance (T/A) can help you to achieve this goal. The registration of presence and absence is done on the basis of bookings. These can be registered by a badge reader, a PC (WebClock) or by using the planning.

Unprecedented Possibilities
Like all parts of Logitime, the Time & Attendance module can be configured to your specific needs. Easy building blocks can be used to provide solutions for simple to very complex situations. Register presence(s), sickness, holiday, overtime(s) or any other data for each employee in an easy and flexible way.

The system will make sure that the data is collected, processed and stored in the correct way. This minimizes the necessity to enter all kinds of deviations and corrections manually, saving valuable time and money. The results can be exported to your payroll system.

Any type of working agreement
Day schedule Working schedules are possible for any kind of working agreement. Logitime can use schedules with fixed hours, variable hours, shift rotation, shifted working hours, full continuous work, part timers, stand-by workers or any other type of schedule.

The most common settings are entered at company or department level. Exceptions, like individual agreements and regulations, can be specfied at the employee. This tree structure makes it easier and faster to organize and easier to maintain.

Supported T/A Features

  • Daily Correction
  • Anomaly Summary
  • Approval log
  • Year records for employee and department
  • Holiday records
  • Specify Special days like Christmas and Newyears day.
  • Easy manual correction of balances (like holiday balance)
  • Day schedules that begin before, but end after midnight
  • Shift Rotation
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