Access Control

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Access Control

You wish to control who is allowed to enter where and when? You need to know who is present and where? The module Access Control can help you to achieve this in a simple, efficient, safe and user-friendly way.

Access and security
Access Management Zone-security, anti-passback and control for unauthorised use of badges are fully supported.

With the help of access profiles you can indicate at which times of the day and which days of the week access is allowed. An access profile can be linked to a badge or a working schedule. In the last case the availability of access is synchronous with the working hours.

Who is present and where?
Security information Logitime can give you complete insight in which people are present. It even tells you where they are and since when. This doesn’t only apply to employees, but also to visitors.

With the Reception option the recption will have an extra tool which allows them to see who is present at that time, and when somebody is expected to be present.

With this module you will have a roll call report which tells you, under any circumstances, who is present and where. This information is of vital importance for the emergency services.

Assett In emergency situations all access doors can be opened at once.

Supported features

  • Asset tracking
  • Key management
  • Guard tours
  • Scenario
  • Inspection
  • Qualifications
  • Door management
  • Use of PIN codes on badge readers
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