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Logitime is used by companies of all sizes
A small selection of our references.

Marks & Spencer

Marks & Spencer (M&S) is one of the leading department stores in the United Kingdom. M&S sells high quality products, affordable clothing, home ware and food of excellent quality. Every week about 21 million customers visit the stores. There are 78,000 employees spread across the UK and 42 other countries worldwide.

After extensive research and analysis Marks & Spencer opted for the timekeeping system Logitime because of its great flexibility. The availability of a Multilingual user environment, the use and conservation of each individual countries regulation, have a significant contribution in the final choice. Logitime has begun the rollout at Marks & Spencer on the Avenue des Champs – Élysées in Paris and another 6 sites in France have already been equipped with its system. Also Marks & Spencer Holland on the Kalverstraat in Amsterdam and the Grote Marktstraat in The Hague have successfully integrated Logitime in their daily operations.

Sunderland en Newcastle United

Sunderland and Newcastle United are clubs in the English Premier League with a long history. To support, in implementing and maintaining their safety and security concept they use Logitime. The British government has set a lower limit of stewards that needs present during a football game at all times. It is therefore essential that Logitime keeps track of how many stewards are present and where they are located in real time. At the same time, in addition to presence also be registered, the payroll information is automatically processed accordingly. Together with our English partner Wealden these projects have successfully been implemented, greatly improving safety and saving valuable time for payroll.

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Princes was established in 1880 in Liverpool by Simpson & Roberts. In 1960 Princes started with sales of its products in Europe, through an Dutch office. At present they supply products in more than 25 countries in Europe.

To provide all these high quality products Princes is in daily contact with over 150 suppliers in 40 countries.

The regulations on food safety and traceability to the source is regularly adjusted. Princes follow these developments closely to ensure that they always one step ahead in order to comply with new laws and regulations. The company is driven by a passion for food and drink that offers quality, convenience and innovation.

For the time recording in England and Italy, the Princes Food & Drink Group chose Logitime. “The extended time recording module Logitime offers us a great added value”, thus Princes. “The ability to use country-specific collective agreement and employment conditions within the same package and the accuracy of the registration of labor and production time provides us with a great saving in time and cost”.

Formula one

In the fast paced world of Formula 1, the knowledge and technology of Logitime is put in use. The fast-paced world where technology and developments of tomorrow is the standard, was looking for a system that was closely aligned with their activities, conduct and great flexibility. The system had to meet a number of requirements: combined access control, time and attendance, multiple project registration and for a minimum of 400 employees. Due to the constantly traveling around the world, the system must be flexible with the time zones in the world. Teams like Ferrari and McLaren are charged for the services they decrease the Formula 1 organization. Only specified and substantiated invoices are accepted.

Using Logitime and KABA the access is regulated and both presence and absences are recorded. Project registration is used for processing and billing to the customers of various services.

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Central Bank of Egypt (CBE)

The Central Bank of Egypt(CBE) is an autonomous regulatory body. The CBE has a number of key tasks such as the achievement of price stability, ensuring the soundness of the banking system, supervision of the banking sector, management of foreign exchange reserves in the country and the regulation of the market for foreign exchange.

Also the Bank of Alexandria has selected Logitime as its solution for its 160 sites. The Bank of Alexandria, one of the leading banks in the sector and member of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, is very aware that now, more than ever, the time has come to improve the “real economy”. They are convinced that if a bank helps to improve the lives of people it also contributes to the growth of the country as a whole.

Logitime with its Egyptian partner, Logitime Egypt, have successfully implemented a Time Attendance and Access control solution to both banks and their sites.

Philips Lighting Group

Royal Philips Netherlands is a diversified technology company that wants to improve meaningful innovations in healthcare, consumer lifestyle and lighting. The company is a market leader in cardiac care, acute care, home healthcare, energy efficient lighting solutions, new lighting applications and in the field of shaving, grooming and oral care products.

For the realization of controlled access, registration of presence and absence and capture and calculation of regulations in accordance with the collective agreement, our software Logitime was deployed. According to the employees of Philips Logitime provides the use and flexibility of the program a great relief to the workload.

ABB Group

ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies. With headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland worldwide in about 100 countries, 150.000 employees work daily to help improve their performance utilities, industrial customers and end users while lowering environmental impact.

For managing and controlling access Logitime, addition to its software, deployed KABA hardware. KABA delivers longstanding reliable products for locking technology and is a core partner of International Logitime.


Flowserve is the recognized world leader in supplying pumps, valves, seals, automation and services to the power, oil, gas, chemical and other industries. With more than 16,000 employees in over 50 countries, they combine global reach with a local presence. Providing more than the expectations of the customer in the design, delivery and support of integrated flow management requirements, is something they strive for each day.

With the Logitime modules access control, time and attendance, emergency response support, visitor registration and employee self-service, Logitime provides a substantial share of the business process. The visitor registration is a simple tool to manage and register visitor flow. Employees can log visitors beforehand in the system by name, day and time and for whom the visitor is coming. Employees have through a web portal insight into their data and information. Authorizations for access can be made ​​online and processed in real time. Within the high risk area should only authorized employees are exclusively within times prescribed for that purpose. In emergencies is automatically and immediately produced a list of attendees of both employees and visitors. This list can be printed but also sent as email. Safety personnel and other care providers are provide a quick and efficient insight in this information.


DSM as a company is the result of a number of strategic choices. These choices are based on their mission and core values ​​that indicate they believe and how they do business. The aim is to contribute to a better, more enjoyable life for people today and generations to come. They connect unique competences in Life Sciences and Materials Sciences to create that nourish, protect and improve performance solutions.

Within the high security area of the DSM this is immediately obvious. No nonsense, but clarity, overview and user-friendly. One package for all needs and requirements which is scalable in both users and locations (multi – site). Logitime could fill this role excellently. After a joint analysis by the Logitime consultant and DSM supervisors the implementation was started. Access on – Attendance, time attendance, emergency response support and visitor registration is now full satisfaction, used by different disciplines. “Through this real-time solution and the specific guards tools we can respond alertly and accordingly our security protocols” according the security supervisor of DSM.

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