Project Management

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What is the progress and expenditure of hours on (sub)projects?

This is seen as essential in environments where every assignment is different (custom-made products) or with longterm projects. Guarding the budget is very important and Logitime puts many tools at your disposal. This way you can enter the budgeted activities per employee and these can be compared to the actual situation. Projects can be subdivided into subprojects and the realised activities can be reported for each subproject.

Budget Analyses Furthermore it also possible to link rates to employees or activities. This way you can obtain a survey of the costs. This can also be the starting point for billing.

At any given time the history and the current state of affairs are available.

Financial justification

The use of this module makes it possible to express the expenditure of hours in numbers and/or amounts. You can define normal amounts and rates at different levels, if desired in combination with cost centre, by which a complete financial justification can be obtained.

Supported features

Define projects, jobs and activities
Assign projects/jobs to people
Assign budgets
Immediate control of planning versus reality: compare the budget with the actual spent time
Time Justification possible in the SoftClock.

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