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Logitime’s origin is based in The Netherlands. In 1991 Logitime International B.V. developed the predecessor of Logitime, called Reflex Time System. Over the years the program has grown from a DOS application into a 32-bit Windows application.

In 2001 Logitime International started with the set-up of an international partner structure to support international customers.

Logitime has successfully provided software solutions for more than 500 different companies worldwide. The customers vary from small companies to large multinationals from all business sectors.

Because of the number and variety of customers, Logitime has encountered and successfully implemented almost all (if not all) imaginable business situations. This valuable experience combined with Kaba Benzings wide range of hardware provides a solution to any business situation.

As a result of Logitime’s choice to exclusively use and specialise in Kaba Benzing hardware a symbiosis was born. This guarantees full support of Kaba Benzing hardware in the Logitime software. Thus not providing separate software and hardware but providing one Solution working as a whole.

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